

Horsenden Primary School is a large and culturally diverse school where children play and learn well together and everyone is valued for their differences. The staff and governors strive to develop teaching that is exemplary and a learning environment where high expectations are the norm. We aim to develop our children to be confident, ambitious and critical thinkers who have the skills to explore their interests and be curious about the world around them. We provide a range of opportunities for children to work collaboratively, be inquisitive and to develop new skills within the classroom and beyond.

We pride ourselves on delivering a curriculum that teaches our children about how they learn best so that they can challenge themselves in every lesson. The curriculum is planned to allow children to take responsibility for their learning and to develop the skills and character virtues that lead to success in school, at university, in work and life beyond. We do this through providing an exciting and innovative curriculum and by developing a genuine partnership between home, school and the local community.

If you are looking to join our vibrant learning community, or would like to know more about our amazing facilities we hope you’ll find what you’re looking for in these pages. If you would like to speak to a member of staff, you are welcome to contact the school to make an appointment; we would be delighted to meet you.


Mrs Emma Appelby




Stars Bronze Level Award Music Mark


Latest School Calendar Events

4H Class Sharing Assembly17Jan2025

9:00 am - 9:45 am @ Main School Hall

Reception and Year 6 Heights & Weights22Jan2025

@ Practical Room

Parent/ Carer Coffee Morning with Araminta of School Counselling Partnership23Jan2025

9:00 am - 10:00 am @ Main Hall

4S Class Sharing Assembly24Jan2025

9:00 am - 9:45 am @ Main Hall

Calendars page(s): School Calendar >>