Eco Warriors

Horsenden Primary has an active and passionate Eco Committee and we were delighted to be awarded our Green Flag with Merit in July 2023.

Our Eco Code matches our HORSE values:


We work hard to make this world a better place for everyone.


By addressing the issues of climate change and sustainability in a really positive way.


We are respectful of our planet, wanting to make it better for everyone.


We are sincere in how we approach the issues of climate change and sustainability.


By the actions we take, we are empowered to make a positive change.


For the academic year 2023-24, we focused on three key areas:

  1. Our Water Campaign aimed to raise awareness of how much water we waste at school and at home.
  2. Our Marine Eco Topic aimed to help our school community understand the impact of plastic in our oceans.
  3. Our focus on Global Citizenship resulted in the school taking a more active role within our local community.

Here is our action plan:

Feedback from the 'Eco Schools Awarding Committee'

Feedback from the Eco Schools awarding committee was very positive about all the wonderful work the children had achieved. This is what they said:

It’s very impressive that you have formed such a large Eco-Committee. It shows that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and committed to being active and creating positive change.

This knowledge and attitude has provided your school with excellent foundations for the many successes that you’ve achieved this year this year. The pupil quote provided is brilliant. They’re clearly a passionate and impressive young person and we’re delighted that they have been given an opportunity to make a difference through the Eco-Schools programme, what a fantastic ambassador for your school and our programme. ‘Wanting to tell others about how the Earth is getting harmed and to fix this’ is a great pupil quote!

It was lovely to read all the comments on your Environmental Review and gain a real insight into the debate and discussion that took place whilst completing it. It’s clear your Eco-Committee are constantly considering what actions they can take to improve their local community and benefit our planet.

Your Action Plan shows that your Eco-Committee have carefully considered how they can involve their entire school in their planned Eco-Schools’ activities to achieve maximum impacts and raise awareness amongst their school community. We loved reading about your planned litter-picks and bird boxes! You have provided practical and fun curriculum examples, which impressively build on the projects you have worked on in your Action Plan. This is a great way to add context to your Eco-Schools work, it means young people at your school are given the opportunity to learn about important environmental issues and then the chance to work on these issues – a great dual approach.

You have worked with a variety of different individuals and organisations including BBC Countryfile Wild Britain Campaign, relying on their expertise and passion to enrich and inform your Eco-Schools journey. No doubt this was a mutually beneficial experience for all, as these individuals and organisations must have also been inspired by your dedicated Eco-Committee.

Your greatest successes link clearly to the experience of your pupils. Your litter campaign sounded a great success, well done! This is what the best forms of climate action are about – impactful but achievable things that create a positive experience and prompt more action. We love this!

Your Eco-Code is very punchy, clear and easy to digest for those that see it. It’s a direct call to action. We love this! It was also wonderful to read you had supplemented your environmental learning with a field trip to Greenford Quay – the day sounded brilliant!

Thank you so much for submitting such a terrific application. We have loved reading about your journey and are incredibly impressed by all you have achieved. We have no hesitation in awarding you an Eco-Schools Green Flag with Merit, congratulations!