School Day
It is important that pupils arrive at school on time so that crucial learning time is not missed. If your child arrives late, please take them to the main school office so they can be registered before going to class.
If your child is absent, please call the school office before 9.00am and leave a message on the absence line to advise us of the reason. You can also email
It is equally important that you collect your child on time at the end of the school day as it can be upsetting for a child waiting for parents or carers to arrive. If an unavoidable situation occurs, please contact the school office as soon as possible.
Both the entrance gates on Horsenden Lane North and Elton Avenue are open in the morning from 8.40am to 9.10am and in the afternoon again from 3.10pm to 3.30pm.
The School Day
Reception to Year 6
The school day for Reception to Year 6 pupils is:
- 8.45am to 3.15pm
- This amounts to a total time in school of 32.5 hours per week.
This is broken down as below:
8.45am - Start to the day for Reception to Year 6 children.
Children will go straight into class to begin a quiet activity. Parents are asked to leave the site immediately.
3.15pm - All children (including afternoon Nursery) finish school.
am Nursery
- Start of day: 8.40am
- End of day: 11.40am
pm Nursery
- Start of day: 12.15pm
- End of day: 3.15pm
It is very important for children to be punctual.
Lateness disrupts the start of the day for your child and the other children in the class. If you arrive late to school with your child you must report to the school office where your child will be signed in. Children must be collected promptly at the end of the school day.
Children arriving after 8.55am are marked as late on the register.
Reporting your child's absence
All unexplained absences are counted as “unauthorised” and we are obliged to report these to the Local Authority and the DfE.
If your child has a medical, dental or hospital appointment which cannot be avoided during term time then please let the school office know. Where possible please bring your child to school before or after the appointment so that valuable learning time is not lost.
If your child is unwell in the morning but during the school day becomes better, please bring them to school.
Holidays during term time will not be authorised under any circumstances. However, it is recognised that, in exceptional circumstances, leave of absence may have to be taken in term times. Permission in these circumstances needs to be discussed with the Headteacher prior to taking leave.
If you wish to request any leave, you will need to complete and provide a form to the Headteacher for authorisation, giving 14 days notice. 'Parental Leave Request' forms are available from the school office.