School Council


At Horsenden Primary School we have an active, passionate and empowered School Council who meet regularly with the lead teachers to discuss a range of issues regarding our school. The school council leaders ensure that pupil voice is at the heart of school life. 

Horsenden Primary School’s pupil council is formed by a representative from every class from Year 1  to Year 6At each meeting, we have two chair pupils and a minute keeper from varying year groups, who assists in running the meetings. To represent their class, pupil councilors must nominate themselves and are then voted in by their class peers.

We meet regularly to discuss issues that face our Horsenden pupils on a daily basis. We also discuss and implement changes and events in the school. We  feedback on important parts of school life such as: activities we would like to see more of or introduced, equipment and resources needed,  attendance, school meals and whole school events such as assemblies.

Any child in the school that would like an issue raised at a meeting can approach their class representative and they’ll open a discussion on behalf of that person at the next meeting. Representatives also have regular contact with different staff members including our Headteacher.

Our School Council help to make important decisions about the school, such as:

  • Launching competitions to design road safety posters 
  • Helping to improve school dinners with a focus on health and well-being
  • Launching a fitness programme that all pupils are required to part-take after each break time
  • What we’ll be doing for these rest of this school year
  • Continuing to work with the Headteacher on developing pupil resilience
  • Training new school council members
  • Running more competitions
  • Organising charity events
  • Improving the school recycling systems
  • Developing pupil health and wellbeing around the school

School Council projects

This year, as a School Council they acknowledged that one of the best things about our school is the wide range of cultures represented in our staff, students and parents. They are in the process of organising a Cultural Diversity Day for summer term which we are so excited about. Watch this space for more information.

In 2021-2022 the school council discussed a lot of exciting topics and they campaigned to make significant changes as follows:

  • They ran a campaign to reduce the use of single-use plastic (especially plastic water bottles) in school. The student council ran a poster competition to raise awareness about the impact this has on the environment. Several children received an environmentally-friendly water bottle as a prize.
  • They discussed the need to improve and support the local natural environment and the benefits this would have for pupils in many ways. They are currently working on improving a garden area so that this can be used for pupils to have a calm, relaxing space during lunch times. It will also be used for science lessons and worked on by a new gardening club group.

  • The also took part in a litter pick at Horsenden Hill to clean up the local area and make our green spaces a lovely place to relax and play. 


School Council Representatives for 2022-23: